Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The HOW of your dream career is closer than you think - When I Grow Up

The HOW of your dream career is closer than you think - When I Grow Up I know that your lifestyle goals are dreams that live in your head, waiting to be brought into reality.   I know that most of them feel silly and childish and not at all realistic. I know that youve been telling yourself to be happy with what you have, even though its not what you want. I know that you  dont feel like yourself for the most of the day. I personally know what its like to have to play a part at work, wearing a mask for 40+ hours each week. I know  it feels like where you are now and where you wanna get to is an  enormous leap. Like, from New York to Hong Kong enormous. I know youve fleshed out what it would be like to get to the other side, and youve decided that its too hard. Or too expensive. Or youre too old. Or that itll take too long. Or its too risky. Or that itd be foolish  to do as a responsible adult who, on paper, has it pretty good. But you know what I know? I know that the How  of your dream career is closer than you think. I know that you actually dont need to feel that youre taking An Enormous Leap at all. You can actually put the figurative safety net on the group, walking directly on top of it as you move forward with your dream career. Eventually, youll look down and realize youve left the safety net behind you and that youre walking on your own. I know that we often see two choices for ourselves: one extreme (stay where I am) or the polar opposite (resign tomorrow). An outside perspective (from someone trained to see the other options, ahem ahem) that shows you the grey area youve been missing is invaluable. Its why life coaches have life coaches. I know that once you get clear on what your dream career foundation depends on, and set quantifiable and measurable goals to get there, then youll know Its Time. The To Dos will be checked off, the safety net fund will be in the bank, the website will be built and the clients will know you exist. It took me almost three years to do it myself, but Ive had clients make it happen in six months while others took six years. Its all about what makes  you feel most comfortable and confident in making this career transition and how long you can handle being in a job that doesnt feel authentic to you. I know that, in your mind, youve convinced yourself you have to Go Big or Go Home. But in reality, if you focus instead on Phase One the easiest, most cost effective things you can do that would make the most impact on your biz youll be able to start working on your own dream business earlier with less fear around it not working for you. I know that youve been told that you have  to hustle around-the-clock in order to amount to anything. But I also know that  baby steps build the strongest foundation, and theres no guarantee that working 80 hours a week will make your dream career a financial success. You can make this transition work on  your timetable, with the reality of  your commitments and support system. I know that it takes time and energy to go through the time-intensive process of transitioning from your soul-sucking job to your dream businessbut I also know that, if youve read this far, youre even closer to saying Yes to  making it happen. The How  of your career is closer than you think, and I can help you get there, along with business branding coach Tiffany Han and graphic designer Erin Cassidy. Its Business Time is a program for 10 creative women that gets you from I-dont-have-a-business-idea to a launched, custom site in six months. Registration opens privately March 1st to those on this list. I know that the but-how-can-this-actually-happen-in-the-semblance-of-my-life  doesnt need to stop you. I know that, by working closely together, we can help you see the steps you need to take to be comfortable and confident with this scary and risky (and exciting!) decision. I know that by crafting an action plan for your business alongside its professional debut, you can make your successful dream business a reality. And with Its Business Time, it can be real by the end of this summer. Wanna learn more about Its Business Time?  Sign up here to get the deets, have the chance to register early, AND get the deets for our free webinar next month!  

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