Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to help yourself when youre helping others

How to help yourself when youre helping othersHow to help yourself when youre helping othersA colleague of mine recently attended an educational conference. She met a teacher during a session about working with students who have experienced trauma.The teacher said that she knew how to help traumatized students but asked wonderingly, How do I help me? You have to get into their lives in order to teach them. And their trauma is deep. It stays with you. So, heres my question After I go over the line to help them, who pulls me back?Sadly, traumatic situations do not only affect students and their teachers. Many working professionals have also experienced workplace trauma, which can be categorized as followsStressful events (death, grief, suicide, accident or injury)Organizational stressors (bullying, threats, harassment, betrayal, maliciousness, extreme isolation,chronic pressure, toxic work environment, uncertainty, fear for the future, downsizing or fear of unemployment)Physical stress ors (noise, chaotic environment, sense of no control over space, fear for physical safety, harsh or flashing lights, extremes of heat or cold, working amid construction)External threats (evacuation, lockdown, fire or robbery)According to a2015 poll measuring the impact of traumatic workplace events, the top four workplace events that caused the most trauma, stress and anxiety are as follows (as quoted from the article)Employer announcing layoffs/job losses (28%)Workplace violence/criminal activity in the community (25%)Death of a colleague/co-worker (19%)Natural disaster impacting the workplace (14%)The poll, commissioned by Workplace Options, found that fewer than half (46%) of people experiencing an on-the-job traumatic incident were offered any schriftart of employer stab und sttze afterward. Such support, in the form of emotional support or counseling, would be welcomed by 67% of respondents.Leaders who properly support their people not only help their workforce recover and boun ce back quickly, but they also make a clear statement that says at this company, our people come first.It may be easier said than done, but leaders who want to successfully and sustainably support their people must be able to keep themselves strong and fresh. They need to understand that they wont be able to help others if they dont help themselves while maintaining healthy boundaries.We also need to recognize that we cant do it alone. Sure, we may be well-trained and feel equipped. But in most cases, traumatic situations are too big and complex for a single person to handle independently.Here are some things leaders can do to stay healthy, energized and properly buoyed so that they can be fully supportive of their employees needs.Develop a growth mindset.Our mindsets play a significant role in how situations affect us. If we view our roles more narrowly, as in instructional providers and facilitators, then we will feel drained when we extend beyond our comfort zones. Our fixed ment alities will convince us that we simply cannot go there. Leaders who embrace the new normal of leadership, however, will find ways to grow and start to view themselves as capable of properly dealing with it.Dont take it personally.Employees who have experienced trauma arent trying to push your buttons. They are simply dealing with complicated situations and may not have the tools and bandwidth to do so in predictable and rational ways.Remind yourself of your impact, even when you cant see it.Henry Adams once said, A teacher affects eternity he can never tell where his influence stops. The same, to an extent, can be said for leaders. We simply cannot know the impact of our work while we are performing it.Disconnect.We all need personal time. As much as you want to help and be available, make sure to disconnect often so that that you can recharge and bring your best self to each situation.Prioritize your health.If we are unhealthy, how can we hope to help others get healthier and whol e? Proper nutrition and ample sleep are absolutely critical to ensure that we stay well and remain the influencers we need to be.Get support.Make full use of counselors and other professionals whose role is to support you and your people. If you dont have such professionals on staff, be proactive in connecting with and vetting some so that you can access their services as needed.Naphtali Hoff, PsyD,(impactfulcoach) is president ofImpactful Coaching Consulting. Check out his leadership book,Becoming the New Boss. Readhis blog, and listen tohis leadership podcast. Download his free new e-book, An E.P.I.C. Solution to Understaffing.If you enjoyed this article, sign up for SmartBriefs free e-mailon leadership and communication, among SmartBriefsmore than 200 industry-focused newsletters.This article first appeared on SmartBrief.

Monday, December 23, 2019

4 tips for living with uncertainty in corporate America

4 tips for living with uncertainty in corporate America4 tips for living with uncertainty in corporate AmericaHaving a comfortable job in a corporate office space can provide advantages,butjob security isnt always one of them.What happens when you dont get that raise you were hoping for, your employer decides to restructure, or they make the tough choice to relocate the company altogether, jeopardizing your position?Heres how to thrive during uncertainty.Make sure your resume and website are up-to-dateGetting laid off is the last thing you want to think about, but you should periodically update your resume to reflect your current employment status.Also make sure your professional website has your current portfolio and that each page is edited to reflect where youre currently working. You dont want a recruiter to stumble upon your website, only to find out that its not accurate.That being said, if your position gets eliminated, or you feel the need to jump ship, you wont have to do th e heavy lifting of updating everything beforemore heavy lifting while applying for jobs.Stay in touch with your networkDont just reach out when you need help.Make sure you stay in contact with your connections over the course of the year- wish them happy holidays, briefly fill them in on what youve been up to, offer to help them with projects, and offer to give back to less experienced people who they know in your field.This way, reaching out wont look like youre suddenly groveling after letting a long time go by.Make sure you have enough money in your emergency fundIf you get laid off, and your company doesnt provide a lengthy severance package, you might be in for serious financial trouble. So make an effort to contribute a percentage of your income to your savings every time you take home a paycheck.Automating parts of the savings process can be a big help because you wont have to manually transfer money. Even if you forget, your money is still working for you.Also be sure to se t up your 401(k) as early as possible so you have to save less money in a shorter amount of time down the line.Talk to someone about wertzuwachs and company outlookYou dont want to be blindsided.If your employer doesnt do performance reviews, youll need to take the initiative and meet with your manager about how youre faring. You might think youre contributing enough to the team, but your supervisor might be able to highlight areas of potential improvement.Youll also want to have as much information as possible about the companys goals, if its been successful in achieving them so far, and where its heading.That way, it will be easier to tell if your department has been underperforming, and you can make informed decisions about the work youre doing.Make sure youre on the same page as your supervisor, and ask HR if you have any further questions about the company as a whole.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Does money buy happiness What I learned from starting a business

Does money buy happiness What I learned from starting a businessDoes money buy happiness What I learned from starting a businessLooking back on my career, Ive come to realize how much my definition of success has changed over time. My years spent advising some of the fruchtwein successful wealth creators in America have taught me that money comes with unexpected challenges and great wealth does not equal great success.I started my career as a CPA, and eventually, I welches hired as the Chief Financial Officer for a wealthy family that welches setting up a family office. A family office is where all financial matters for a highly affluent family are handled including investing, accounting, property management, estate planning and legal, insurance, and other functions. My CFO role in this family office exposed me to a world I had never experienced significant family assets including commercial real estate development and leasing activities, a large stock and bond portfolio, several ope rating companies, extravagant personal residences, cars, and airplanes, and about 10 office employees.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe tech boom was minting new millionaires at a fantastic rate, and I recognized a growing need for holistic and conflict-free wealth advisory services. I was hired to open an office in Seattle to provide such services by a Silicon Valley firm.Soon I came to a crossroads in my career I had achieved success at this point in my life, but I wasnt happy, healthy, or at peace. I was at odds with the philosophy of my bosses, who were focused on prioritizing work and status over relationships, suggesting that life balance was for the weak. I was just beginning to understand that my own purpose and career objectives were grounded at a much deeper level.After seven years at the firm, I prepared to launch my own business. The night before my planned launch date, I was full of fear and anxiety because of what I was about to risk. The next morning, I took a leap into the unknown and Highland was born.Over the past 20 years, Ive lived my way to a richer definition of success. It wasnt a straight line, and I made tons of mistakes along the way. However, these three lessons have been incredibly valuable in my quest to redefine success for myselfYou dont need to sacrifice your health, your relationships and other important objectives to build wealth.When I started Highland, I had this crazy idea that I wasnt willing to sacrifice anything I wanted it all I recognized that I only had one life to live, and I wasnt going to listen to naysayers who might question my choices. I knew that I was biting off a lot by starting my own business, but I wasnt willing to postpone my other life objectives until the business was successful.I was being called into a much broader definition of success that included priorities like coaching my 13-year-old son s select baseball team. I didnt want to just show up and help once in a while. I wanted to be the head coach, responsible for practice plans and motivating the boys to develop and learn important life skills.The tradeoff was that my business grew at a slower pace, and I was okay with that. I was willing to exchange what I viewed as excess revenue growth for the priceless memories I made on the baseball diamond with my son. This experience, along with others, taught me that I could push seemingly rigidly defined boundaries in my mind about what was possible. I didnt have to settle for anything less than what I believed mattered most.Strive for continuous learning and growthThere is a saying that a business will only grow as fast as its leader. I knew I had to be the one leading the charge, evolving in my role, my capabilities, and my contribution as a businessman and a human being. Other people in my company were watching and taking their cues from me.I quickly realized that when you start a business, all of your deficiencies and flaws are exposed as the boss, you dont have anyone else to blame or hide behind. I had to get better at leading people, building strategy and vision, effectively communicating my needs, and holding people accountable even if that meant conflict.I found the courage to seek counselors, coaches, and mentors who listened, gave me advice, and helped me become a better version of myself. Highland was a canvas where God could shape me into who I needed to become. I now recognize that continual growth and development are critical to thriving, personally and professionally.Generosity is the secret joy creatorI truly believe in the saying Youve never met an unhappy generous person.It took me a while to fully understand the power of pure contribution those moments where Im not trying to gain anything in return from providing value to someone else. When I bring my full potential and gifts to every business and personal interaction, without any e xpectation of a return, I feel intensely alive, full of energy and joyful. I like to focus on being generous with L.I.F.E. Labor, Influence, Financial, Expertise.Generosity isnt just about giving financially its about looking at all the interactions in my life as an opportunity to bring the presence of loving-wisdom as a gift. This philosophy helped me approach interactions with my employees differently. Instead of fearing what might happen in the future if they left the company, I shifted my focus and started asking, Where are you trying to go? and How could I help you get there? Generosity creates freedom as we view our life through an abundance mindset, and there are great payoffs for the giver as well as the recipient.Its time to rebrand the concept of success as something holistic, heartfelt, and purposeful. By doing so, you can experience radical levels of joy from your money, work, and life. Dont be deterred from redefining success for yourself.John Christiansonis founder an d CEO of Highland Private Wealth Management, a boutique financial life management company in Bellevue, Washington. For more than 25 years, John has managed the financial lives of some of the most successful wealth creators in the country, including executives at Amazon, Microsoft, Starbucks, Nike, and Facebook and has acquired unique insights into the challenges and opportunities for wealth creators. John is a CFA charterholder, a CPA-Inactive, and a certified professional coach with the International Coach Federation. He is also the host and creator of The Wealth Confidant Podcast.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 13, 2019

3 simple ways to sound confident and competent in any conversation

3 simple ways to sound confident and competent in any conversation3 simple ways to sound confident and competent in any conversationEach week, I interview founders, CEOs, and investors who run multi-million dollar companies.Every one of them is incredibly professionally successful, with decades of experience running million-dollar companies and venture-backed startups.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraYes, it can be nerve-wracking. The first time I interviewed a founder, I started sweating so much that my legs stuck to my chair. But interviewing is part of my job as an editor at athought leadership agencywhere I spend between five to seven hours per week talking with people across various industries- biotech, retail, marketing, finance, you name it.In other words, it requires a lot of confidence from me.The thing is, people rarely feel comfortable diving into detail if the part th eyre speaking with doesnt sound confident and competent, regardless of whether theyre dealing with a high-level executive or simply a new co-worker.After holding hundreds of interviews, here are a few tips Ive learned to speak with confidence1 Use your voice to make a strong first impressionPeopleestablish a first impressionof you in the time it takes to say hello.While some vocal qualities can immediately rub you the wrong way- shrill, scratchy, squeaky- a voice can also be a great tool to portray confidence and connect with someone.Personally, I use this to my advantage since all of my interviews are held over the phone. Theres no body language to interpret, no eye contact, no silent cues. So my ability to connect with someone relies heavily on how I speak.The key is to adjust your voice based on the situation and the perception you want to convey.So if youre aiming to sound competent and trustworthy,research has shownits best to adopt a lower-pitched voice. But to exude warmth, y ou want to raise your pitch. Of course, there are differences when it comes to gender. Women with ahigher-pitched voiceare perceived to be warm, while men with the same vocal trait come across as more friendly and less dominant.An easy way to check your vocal characteristics is to try saying the same phrase in a high and low pitch, and then see how people react to one versus the other. Personally, I have a naturally low voice. So when I say hello in my normal pitch, people respond back with a more serious tone. But if I use a higher-pitched hello, my calls start off on a cheerful note. While it may sound like a basic experiment,researchshows this type of vocal matching allows people to empathize and engage with one another.Remember, the goal is to create a connection with the first thing that comes out of your mouth.2 Reference a previous conversation or similar experienceRemembering what someone said shows an amazing amount of competence and care.Say you have a quick chat with a co lleague on Friday about your weekend plans. Youre going to a concert, hes trying out a new restaurant. You both go your separate ways. But as you roll into the office on Monday, he asks, Hey, how welches that concert on Saturday night? Was the band good live? He actually rememberedwhat you said three days ago.Now, you feel a connection and are more likely to share your funny story from the show.Looping in details from a previous chat is conversation 101. But just like its tough to remember what you ate for lunch, its tough to recall every detail from every conversation. If you focus your monkey mind and take notes to help remember an important detail or two, youll sound confident the next time you talk to them. You already have a great way to start the conversation- and to make them feel instantly comfortable.And when youre trying to relate to someone, remembering the little details quickly gets you beyond the automatic, My weekend was great.3 Understandwhoyoure speaking to so you k nowwhatto talk aboutNothing kills confidence (or a conversation) faster than saying, I have no idea what youre talking about.I learned this very quickly when I started atDigital Pressand began working with a blockchain expert. She co-founded a high-growth startup that was on the cutting-edge of one of the buzziest topics in the tech space- talk about intimidating. I still do basic math with my fingers, so blockchain was exponentially beyond my comfort and knowledge zone.But I did a number of things to learn more about her and the industryTook a trip down Googles blockchain for beginners rabbit holeListened to talks and podcasts about the technologySpent time reading industry news and articles she had authored and sharedScrolled through LinkedIn and social accounts for information about her work and interestsLooking back, it was clear I didnt know what I was talking about on those first calls. But I became more confident after a few weeks, and we began diving deeper into difficult co ncepts. Im nowhere near understanding the intricacies of blockchain- looking at you, cryptography- yet I feel engaged when talking about it because Ive developed a base knowledge.When it comes down to it, most people enjoy sharing their expertise if you show interest and can navigate the basics.Yes, it takes time to be able to sound confident without relying on body language or social cues. But if you can make an immediate connection, understand the partie youre speaking to, and show genuine interest, youre going toincrease your confidence- and others confidence in you, too.This article first appeared on Minutes Magazine.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Nuiances of Strong Resume Verbs

The Nuiances of Strong Resume Verbs The Foolproof Strong Resume Verbs Strategy Resume keywords will showcase your unique skills. There are various sorts of keywords. The perfect way to figure out what keywords to grow your resume to land the interview. Possessing these five keywords on your resume can help you get noticed. Strong Resume Verbs the Ultimate Convenience For instance, sample sending out a definite number of applications weekly. Our payroll specialist resume samples provide templates which will help you organize your information in the best way. Changing disciplines or beginning to work expects a letter that details your skills that would cause you to be a very good fit for work irrespective of experience. Education Your education matters, especially if youre just beginning, so include your school info and degrees youve received, in addition to details about your particular training. Explain what research youd love to conduct. For to compose a resume summar y. National Party members arent discussing the leadership. Employers dont need to understand your marital status, or whether you have kids or dogs. Helping others ought to be in everybodys rulebook. One of the hazards of a resume objective is that youre able to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how youll add objectives how to begin an essay the organization. Mention who resume worked with or for, nor neglect to state the results of action taken. At times its better to permit the accomplishment speak for itself. Our goal is to help you to find yours. By understanding your very own professional desires, and creating a strategy, youre able to drastically enhance your odds of finding the job that you desire. Our aim is to create the creation process simple for you. Demonstrating that youre a creative innovator has never been simpler For instance, when you state that youre skilled in a variety of practices, you make the error of thinking youre showcasing your versatility. Whether youve held an official role as an instructor or youve coached at work, there are a few critical words that could convey your teaching abilities. Think of your own work experience, and where you are able to quantify it. Fish out the things that are related to your academic success, and place them on your scholarship resume. The retail business is only sales to grow, so now is the ideal time to apply Then choose what you need to describe about each of your positions. The absolute most efficient objective is great thats tailored to the job youre applying for. Organizational skills are necessary for everyone in assistant or managerial positions. It is often as easy as stating your preferred job title, or it may show where you objective been and where you aspire to go in your career. Throughout your career for a payroll specialist, you will obtain both company-specific and industry-general training. If you wish to be a payroll special ist, then your payroll specialist resume must demonstrate you have a strong awareness of responsibility and the skills necessary to make certain all employees are paid in time and in full. In the majority of cases, payroll specialists are given a four-year degree in accounting and likewise some additional education in business and finance. Key Pieces of Strong Resume Verbs Another important consideration to consider is to relate the way your previous experiences would benefit the target company. The rest is really much your resume. The very last thing you would like to do is use words inaccurately. Not all words are made equal, and particularly in regards to verbs it can be quite tough to understand which ones will have a better effect in receiving your experience across to a hiring manager or interviewer. The Benefits of Strong Resume Verbs Our experts have made an extensive collection of all of the best resume adjectives, along with a guide on the way to use them effectiv ely. This list provides verbs which are both precise and commonly utilized in an english speaking workplace. Our salesperson-specific resume examples are intended to help you do exactly that. You clearly have a present for expressing scranton ideas below a scarcity of words. You just need to use your words Clinical is among the best words it is possible to utilize. More precise words may also add some formality to your actions, she states.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Number One Question You Must Ask for Resume Summary Examples Entry Level

The Number One Question You Must Ask for Resume Summary Examples Entry Level How to Find Resume Summary Examples Entry Level Resume objectives are occasionally regarded as the old schooltype of resume. Ensure you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. Accounting and finance managers might want to see your technical understanding. Resume Summary Examples Entry Level No Longer a Mystery Be certain to include quantifiable info to truly drive home how valuable you can be to a possible employer. First thing you ought to bear in mind is there are no common patterns of writing a resume entry level, as it greatly depends upon the work offer, requirements of the employer not to mention the area of your interests. When youve been terminated in the job, you could be devastated as a consequence of risk that you should disclose the reason you left your brde employer. The very first section of your resume should consist of information on the way in which the employer can contact you. Choosing Good Resume Summary Examples Entry Level Meanwhile, here are our finest practices to follow when it has to do with formatting your resume. For almost whatever you want to include on a resume, theres a category to help organize it. If youre seeking to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, have a look at our completely free downloadable templates. Each work position calls for a different skill set which is the reason why only skills related to the applied position ought to be put in your resume. Each time you apply to get a new job, check your resume to make sure that it is not only targeted, but in addition current. Your jobs could be varied, your experience and abilities vast, and it can be challenging getting it all on paper. If youre attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Youre going to compose a resume summary which gets many more interviews. Grow that deutsche post ag it may allow you to find informat ion people provide. The letter is only a tool which will allow you to correct Workers. It genuinely is far more advisable to comprehend what you mustnt put into an all-inclusive resignation letter. What Everybody Dislikes About Resume Summary Examples Entry Level and Why Make sure you receive the info youre looking for. For more ideas about how to strengthen your program, take a look at our education and teaching resumes. Making your resume is vital. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How a sick day can make you feel better

How a sick day can make you feel betterHow a sick day can make you feel betterImagine youre at home and someone knocks on your front door. You open the door and greet a dapper gentleman in a suit, sporting a thin mustache and slicked-back hair. He looks like someone from the early 1900s.Illustrations by John WeissFollow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreNot a word is spoken. The fellow tilts his head to the right, inviting you outside. His face is kind. Curious, you follow.The gentleman raises his hand up as if to seemingly rest it against the scenery of your street. Except when he does this, he opens an invisible door. Beyond it, you see people celebrating at a wedding. They are dressed like the gentleman, in clothing from the past.You follow him and step through this doorway in time. You become a guest amongst the wedding reception participants. There are children, people dancing, fami ly laughing, and a robust priest smiling as he enjoys the feast.The wedding cake is cut and there is applause. You spy a photographer with an old style camera and flash. He is about to take a picture of the bride and groom. You glance over at them, and it hits you.They are your parents.More emotionally susceptibleToday I had the misfortune of coming down with a bad virus. The full-service kind, complete with fever, sore throat, aches, and general misery.Illness forces you to hunker down at home for a while. Restricted from the usual rhythms of life, you dont have much to do but read or watch television. I tried to do some painting and writing but didnt have the energy.Whenever I get sick, I become more emotionally susceptible to poignant books, movies, videos, and music. Maybe getting sick is our bodys way of taking time out from everyday life, so that we can slow down and revisit the past. Conjure old memories and feelings long dormant.So there I was, ensconced on the couch watchin g television when a commercial for FedEx came on. Most commercials I ignore, but this one was creative and touching. In fact, it was the very scene I described in the opening of this article.The commercial is titled Memories. Take a moment to watch it below.A silentguestIm bedrngnis sure how I would respond if some mystical gentleman opened a portal to the past for me, and I found myself at my parents wedding.Perhaps I would share with them our future vacations in Carmel, California, where we had picnics on the beach and watched the surf together.Or maybe I would warn Dad about his heart attack, and the distance that he and Mom would sometimes share in later years.Most likely, I wouldnt say a word. Id remain as a silent guest, taking in all the splendor and joy of the moment. The past is always there for us to visit, but visiting the past to verehrtester the future surely violates some cosmic rule.The call of our ancestorsYou can only watch so much television when youre sick at home . I tried to paint in my art studio for a while, but I didnt have the energy. I ended up reading the newspaper and came across an interesting story buried on the third page.It was about a World War II veteran namedFrank Manchel, who was on an all-expenses-paid weekend trip for veterans to Washington D.C. Manchel was on the Honor Flight back home to San Diego.Manchel was laughing, chatting and having a good time. And then, about an hour before landing, he collapsed. Doctors on the flight (including his son) unsuccessfully tried to revive him.Perhaps our ancestors know when to call us home. Maybe Mancels last visit to Washington D.C. and all those memories of his fallen buddies sparked some kind of unraveling in his soul. A sort of release, allowing him to pass over the veil.I can envision family, friends, and soldiers long gone greeting Mancel with open arms after he passed.Theres a beautiful Garth Brooks song titledThe Dance.All this reflection put me in a somber mood, and I decided to play the song.Its about the importance of living out our lives. There will be good and bad, but to miss out on the experience would be the greatest injustice.The following lyrics fromThe Dancesum it up perfectlyYes my life is better left to chanceI could have missed the painBut Id have had to miss thedanceRoses in ourwinterWhat do a FedEx commercial, dying World War II veteran, and Garth BrookssThe Dance,all mean?That life is meant to be lived in full. The good, the bad, and everything in between. We must not remain haunted by regrets, seize each day, remember to savor those sweet times gone by and embrace our memories.Author and columnist George Will once wrote thatMemories are roses in our winter.My 85-year-old mother can attest to that. She often reminisces, recalling vivid memories of the past. We smile and laugh as we talk about the good old days.Its amazing to me that all this reflection was spawned by one sick day at home and a silly FedEx commercial. But as noted above, perhaps thats why we get sick sometimes. To force us to slow down, shut out the world, revisit some memories and reflect on life.My sick day, ironically, made me feel better. It allowed me to reflect and focus on the important things in life, rather than all the other noise that gets in the way.I dont recommend getting sick, but if you do, use the time for some gentle reflection and reminiscence. Itll clear your mind, and make you feel better.All of our dances will end someday, and wasnt it Socrates who wrote that the unexamined life is not worth living?(Originally published yougoImJohn P. Weiss.I paint landscapes, draw cartoons and write about life. Thanks for reading.This article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe wo rst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Overcome a Weakness Gain Confidence in Your Skills

How to Overcome a Weakness Gain Confidence in Your SkillsHow to Overcome a Weakness Gain Confidence in Your SkillsThere I welches, on an early Saturday morning, in front of a group of haggard, hung over, middle-aged men, presenting my companys new products to a key distributors sale team.After the presentations, the group of men voted on the best and worst speaker of the day. And guess who was voted the worst?Me.I was humiliated and horrified, but honestly, it was a good decision- I was terrible.So, I immediately hatched a plan to find a new job that would never require me to speak in front of a group of people again. How could I go through with it?But, I also figured out an alternate escape route If I simply gained the confidence to speak in front of people, Id never again find myself in that horrifying situation in the first place.Im happy to report that the competitor in me prevailed, and I chose the latter course. And if youre in the same boat- maybe youve had a similar catastr ophic experience, or maybe you just dont feel good enough in your day-to-day role- know that you, too, can boost your confidence in your abilities and face your weakness head-on. Heres how.1. Build Relationships and Trust With OthersWhen you build strong, trusting relationships with your co-workers (and even the clients you work with), youll gain an army of supporters- so even if you dont fully believe in yourself, your team will.After my career mishap, I approached my team to let them know how I intended to improve for future presentations. And suddenly, I had a group of raving fans who constantly encouraged me, gave me honest feedback, and shared their own trials and slip-ups with me. (When someone you trust says, Hey, I had an epic fail once- but I overcame it, and you can, too- its a pretty powerful confidence booster.)I also approached my customer and promised that Id never be the worst speaker again. He encouraged and supported me, and he trusted that Id follow through with my commitment.Having a team (and clients) that wants you to succeed is empowering. And with their motivation and votes of confidence, youll be encouraged to push forward.2. Have Clear Objectives and a Plan to Meet ThemWhile looking to others for encouragement is great, something that we often trap ourselves in when trying to overcome a weakness is looking to them for approval. On the contrary, when you tischset your own goals for success, you have something to grab onto and own yourself. You can be more concerned with reaching your own objectives than with meeting the approval of others.So, once you set your mind to something, put a plan in place to meet it. My goal, of course, was to learn to speak and present myself more effectively. To get to that point, I went to a local university and signed up for two terms of communications courses. And I didnt just sit in the back and take notes I asked for feedback on everything from my presentation outlines to the way I pronounced specific w ords.It was a humbling and powerful experience- but the end result was well worth it.Whats more, I learned that with a goal, well laid-out steps, and self-directed action, I had more power and potential than I ever imagined.3. Focus on Small Wins That said, as you work toward your ultimate goal, remember You do not need to win the gold medal on day 1.After all, did I return to the sales group the next week and knock them off their feet with a killer speech? Wishful thinking But no, I didnt.In my communications classes, the professor had us take baby steps and get small wins. So, we started by writing a good outline. Then, we gave a short speech on that outline. Next was a longer speech, then more complex and even longer speeches. Then, we recorded our speeches for feedback. And eventually, we attempted extemporaneous speaking (hows that for nerve-wracking?).Small step by small step, I gained experience, new skills, and confidence. Each small win gave me an opportunity to celebrate- which helped push me further.And you can do the same. As you work toward your goals, keep track of your progress in a journal or calendar- and celebrate each and every victory, no matter how small.4. Leverage Your StrengthsWhile you work on building your skills directly (like taking a few classes, as in my situation), surround yourself with opportunities to use your other strengths, too. This will amplify your sense of accomplishment- which will boost your confidence even more.For example, I wasnt a great speaker, but I knew I was good at building rapport, following up, and developing account management strategies, and I could help people understand complex situations quickly and easily. When I focused on these natural talents, it helped me build my confidence in every area of my work- including public speaking.Too often, we focus only on weaknesses (Im terrible at public speaking, so I dont even deserve this job), which dissolves any semblance of confidence we have and can impact o ur performance in other areas. So, although your strengths will never erase your weaknesses entirely, theyll be a good reminder that you are competent- and that with those skills, youll be able to overcome any shortcomings.The takeaway? Even if youre faced with a weakness, dont be afraid to stretch yourself, try new things, and take more risks. The more things you try, the more choices and opportunities youll have- which pretty much puts the world at your fingertips.Most of all, believe in your ability to succeed. Once you have that confidence, youll roll with the ups and downs of your job without a second thought. Surprise presentation? Bring it onPhoto of man at work courtesy of Shutterstock.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Securities Law Job Job Description

Securities Law Job Job DescriptionSecurities Law Job Job DescriptionAfter the 2009 financial crisis, investment scandal, and other white-collar crimes, securities law has become a specialization of particular interest to many legal professionals. History of Securities Law Securities law anfangsbuchstabely developed in response to another financial crisis- the far greater calamity of the market collapse in 1929. As part of Franklin Delano Roosevelts New Deal, Congress enacted the Securities Act of 1933 as well as the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which created the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Prior to the 1933 and 1934 Acts, state laws governed securities in what is known as blue sky laws. These state laws remain applicable in certain situations in which security remains exempt from federal laws. Job Duties Securities attorneys represent clients with respect to stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and other financial instruments. This work is primarily divided into thr ee broad areas- transactional practice, regulatory practice, and litigation. Transactions Transactional work entails managing the legal technicalities of initial public offerings, secondary offerings, mergers and acquisitions, and private sale of securities. Issuances of stock or other securities are used to finance business throughout the globe. Transactional attorneys facilitate these operations on behalf of their clients, ranging from large corporations to individual investors. Securities attorneys often work closely with tax specialists in structuring these transactions. Regulations While transactional attorneys revel in the glory of the deal, the regulatory aspect of the practice maintains the integrity of the transactions. At its heart, the 1933 Act ensures disclosure of important financial information. Attorneys specializing in regulatory work enable companies, and certain individuals, to disclose the appropriate information in a timely manner. These regulations are e nforced by not only the SEC but also other regulatory agencies, including the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, National Association of Securities Dealers, New York Stock Exchange, and NASDAQ. Securities attorneys frequently rely on paralegals to aid in filing the copious paperwork involved in regulatory work. Litigation If companies run afoul of the regulations, securities litigators then become the central players. Securities litigators work in both civil and criminal arenas, as they litigate civil suits as well as civil or criminal enforcement actions. For example, securities attorneys may represent a corporations shareholders in a securities fraud lawsuit against the corporations officers and directors, or they may assist clients in matters involving the breach of SEC regulations. Education and Skills A legal education is, of course, essential to becoming a securities attorney. While a Juris Doctorate degree is required, a background in finance or accounting is also crucial in a securities attorneys development.In addition to having excellent writing skills, securities attorneys must be able to read and understand financial data.